Threat from cyberspace - small businesses targeted
The threat from cyberspace concerns all of us - directly or indirectly. HDI Versicherung has conducted studies on the topic cybersecurity in 2022 and 2023, for which more than 1200 small and medium-sized enterprises and self-employed persons were surveyed. The results sketch an unvarnished picture of the state of awareness and prevention in the target group and thus provide a valuable basis for the design of cyber insurance cover. One important finding is that awareness of the threat from cyberspace has declined among many companies over the past year. Another is that cyberattacks have shifted from medium-sized to smaller companies. Another topic is how attacks often occur and, more importantly, how they can be defended against. Here, too, the studies provide valuable insights, but also point to vulnerabilities and identify people as the main gateway for cyberattacks at companies. At the same time, they also show that preventive measures are effective and significantly reduce the average amount of damage. In addition, the studies provide valuable data for the insurer's daily work. For apart from material for public relations and marketing, the cyber studies provide valuable data for product development, risk management and underwriting of the cyber line of business. Finally, information on the publication of important study results in the form of a booklet rounds off the podcast. Our guest is Sören Brokamp, head of product management and underwriting cyber of HDI Versicherung
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