Insurance Uncovered Podcast

Insurance Uncovered Podcast

What makes HDI Global Specialty special?

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In the seventh episode of the Talanx Investor Relations Podcast, HDI Global Specialty’s CEO Ralph Beutter and Chairman Ulrich Wallin answer Shirley Inafa’s questions. Listen to the episode to learn, which are the biggest and most profitable lines, about key markets and which markets are interesting for the agenda in the near future. Find out why „Volume is vanity and profit is sanity“ is Ralph Beutters favorite quote and what Ulrich Wallin says about HDI Global Specialty’s growth as a second priority.


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Über diesen Podcast

Insurance Uncovered. Ein Talanx Podcast. Wir zeigen euch Hintergründe der Versicherungsindustrie im übergeordneten Sinne und im speziellen aus einer der großen börsennotierten Versicherungsgesellschaft Europas.

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